
Supplier for purchase of goods/services

Indirect refers to the purchases of goods and/or services that support Cadence’s internal stakeholder to maintain and develop our operations. Examples include hardware, software, IP, professional & business services, etc.

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Supplier for purchase of materials

Direct refers to purchases of goods and/or services that are directly incorporated into a product being manufactured. Examples include raw materials, subcontracted manufacturing services, components, etc

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Supplier Code of Conduct

Cadence has a Supplier Code of Conduct for its suppliers because Cadence expects its suppliers to hold themselves to the same rigorous governance standards that Cadence holds itself to. To ensure Cadence’s relationships with its suppliers meet and support these expectations, Cadence has based its Supplier Code of Conduct on the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct.

UK Modern Slavery Act

Cadence believes that no individual should be subjected to any form of forced labor, slavery or human trafficking, and Cadence will take necessary steps to prevent forced labor, slavery or human trafficking from existing within its organization and to reduce the possibility of forced labor, slavery or human trafficking taking place in its supply chains. Cadence generally requires its suppliers and partners to comply with all applicable laws, including the United Kingdom Slavery Act of 2015.

Conflict Mineral Policy

Cadence supports industry efforts, such as the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative, to enable companies to source conflict-free minerals. Cadence is committed to responsible sourcing of materials for its products and seeks to avoid the use of Conflict Minerals. Cadence expects the same from its suppliers. Accordingly, Cadence has set forth its expectations for its suppliers in its Conflict Minerals Policy Statement.

Responsible Business Alliance

Cadence is an Affiliate Member of the Responsible Business Alliance and supports RBA’s vision of a global electronics industry that creates sustainable value for workers, the environment, and businesses. In the spirit of the industry’s common code of conduct goals, we commit to progressively align our operations with the provisions of the RBA Code of Conduct, and to support and encourage our suppliers to do the same.